graphic design to web design

I am getting more and more requests for pdfs to be web friendly eg flash content and clicking on a content page which then takes you straight to that page in the book:- If anybody could answer my 2 questions as a web beginner I would be grateful:-

1, is quark 8 more web savvy than Indesign 4 or do I just get on a dreamweaver course?

2. is it a steep learning curve to learn, rollover, buttons, hyperlinks and put them in your finished job?

I really have to stop going into a cold sweat when i hear "but I need 2 pdfs one for print and one for the web

any advice would be greatly appreciated

InDesign is simple

InDesign offers an export as Flash feature, as well as the ability to export for Dreamweaver. Creating hyperlinks in ID is simple as well, as is the creation of buttons, etc.

In the end though, you're going to have to learn Dreamweaver if you want to get in on Web design.

yes there are no free

yes there are no free lunches in this game thanks for the reply james

No problem

Good luck!

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