Is there a checklist palette in InDesign?

Now, this is a little hard to explain but here goes.
Imagine placing a bunch of pdf ads into a page layout, like in a magazine or newspaper. Basically, I am putting the ads on the pages I think they should go. This can be 50 ads up to 100+ ads. When I am done placing these ads, I have to go to the Preflight report and see how many links I have. That usually tells me how many ads I have placed which should match a printout of what I have which I can check against. There is always the possibility I placed a pdf or ad twice and because the names of the files are very random according to company name and size, it's easy to miss looking down the links palette in Name order or any other type of order.

Now that you have this beautiful picture painted, let me draw the problem or wish. Is there such thing as a "Files" palette where you can drag links and after you do, it checks or eliminates them from the list? This is a feature I have only seen in a program called Multi-Ad Creator. It is a program I used when I worked at the newspaper. When you would do a full page of let's say a real estate page and you had to place 50 houses. You can add them to this palette and drag them as you placed them. You can keep track of which one's you placed and how many you have left. This was a very useful feature. I'm wondering if Indesign has this hidden somewhere. I've never seen this in Quark either. The only workaround I found that kind of works the same way is using the scripts to build an "Image Catalog" where I could cut and paste from the Image Catalog document the script creates to my layout document. Now, I know about the library palette but all that does is copies onto your document what you drag. If it would elimate or mark itself after you dragged it from the library palette then that would be good but it doesn't. After you drag it, the file or object remains in the library palette and you have to select it and delete it from the palette. There is always the chance you forget to do that and you place the same file again.

The purpose of this is to have something visual to check against. This will allow me to move files around or delete them and also keep track of which ones are left and how many I have.

Let me know if you have any ideas?

This would be a great feature

Not sure a solution exists, but it would be nice!

i am not sure about a

i am not sure about a solution either. will post if i find one.

Is there a checklist palette in InDesign?

As far as I know there is not.

What you are asking for is the 'Projects' panel from After Effects/Premiere. This lists the assets for AE/Pre projects and have all sorts of filters to find things. You can drag and drop from it into your work. I would assume the 'Links' panel should have the functionality you desire added to it, or some 3rd Party SWF panel like the color picker Anastasiy Safari had created for Photoshop CS4.

The purpose of this is to

The purpose of this is to have something visual to check against. This definitely help me out a lot. I am glad to see this when i use it.

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