How to send an MMS with your iPhone

osx_iphone-MMS.jpgIf you're still upset that Apple hasn't added the ability to send images in a text message (MMS), cheer up, ArtofiPhone may have a workaround for you.

According to this article, you can send an image in a text message with your iPhone simply by emailing the image to the person's phone directly via special email addresses that virtually all phones have.

For instance, you can send an image via text message to a friend who has an Alltel account simply by sending the image via email to [email protected] (where the x's are the person's phone number).

I don't have an iPhone, so I can't confirm that it works. But if it does, it's pretty cool!

Text to cell phones

Rogers is [email protected]

Does not always work

In my experience, sending email to these MMS gateways is unreliable at best. Apple and AT&T need to improve the way they support MMS. I try to make the case here:


PLEEEAAASSSE, James, I beg of you:

Don't let yourself and your blog become infected with the only known Apple virus in the world—the excessive reporting and dissection of iPhone news and speculation on every friggin' website on the Intartubes!

Don't worry Phos...

I have no intention of turning into "The Graphic iPhone" blog any time soon! I just thought this was particularly interesting.

By the way, you may have noticed (or not) that The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) now has a separate section that is completely void of iPhone hype:

totally works

for some reason Sprint's version of the blackberry curve doesn't support MMS either. (so weird) But I can still send picture mail to a friend's phone by choosing "send by email" and then the friends email (assuming they have sprint too) address is [email protected] (000 representing their phone number).

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