5 cool things you didn’t know you could do…
From creating interactive EPUBs and drawing logos to applying effects to text and graphics, Shutterstock Blog has Five cool things you may not have known you could do in InDesign.
From creating interactive EPUBs and drawing logos to applying effects to text and graphics, Shutterstock Blog has Five cool things you may not have known you could do in InDesign.
There are always exceptions to every rule, but there are very few exceptions to THESE rules. Great article by Ben Brychta over at Inkbot Design.
Adobe released an update to InDesign on Friday, and though it’s not a major update, it contain some changes worth noting.
Read more “InDesign CC 2017 update + tips” →Start by framing your bigger picture before adding those smaller bullet points. Tell compelling before-and-after stories. Hiring managers will see what you have done — and can do for them. You’ll show how you’d improve their organizations, based on what you’ve done in the past.
I completely agree that telling a potential employer of specific actions you took that resulted in positive outcomes is much better than simply telling them your title and typical job duties.
You finally chose a typeface that’s perfect for your next print or screen design project. Good job, but don’t break out the bubbly just yet.
Digital Photography School has put together a fantastic collection of links for their best articles on macro photography. If you’re a photography hobbiest, it’s well worth browsing through the articles.
Photo credit: Macro look of the Green frog by Rosan Nepal.
If you’re making a presentation in front of people you don’t know, it can be a little never-racking, to say the least. Especially if you’re not used to doing it. PublicSpeaking is a site which offers some helpful advice. Check it out.
Photoshop Etiquette is a site dedicated to offering some best practices for web designers using Adobe Photoshop. Of course, many of the tips are applicable for print designers as well.
Naming layers and using folders to group appropriate layers is a pet peeve of mine. There’s nothing worse than opening a PSD file with 75 layers all named “Layer Copy 1 Copy” and set in no particular order.
Got any tips not listed that makes life easier when using Photoshop? Share in the comments below.
The following tips are for Acrobat XI. Many of them also work in older versions of Acrobat, though the locations and names of specific menu items may be different.
I don’t dislike them because the idea of looking at slides on a large screen is bad, but because the people who create these presentations are generally out of touch with what inspires the very people they create them for. They appear to be more interested in taking advantage of every feature found in PowerPoint or Keynote.
Giving a great PowerPoint presentation is relatively simple once you understand a few of the basics in giving a memorable presentation. Read more “Tips for better PowerPoint & Keynote presentations” →