Free stone cold textures
Grab one or all 10 of these high-quality stone and concrete textures, free from Caleb Kimbrough.
Grab one or all 10 of these high-quality stone and concrete textures, free from Caleb Kimbrough.
Spoon Graphics has shared 12 free grunge textures in vector art format. It’s rare to find great grunge textures in vector format, so be sure to grab these.
I came across this old article from SmashingApps I had bookmarked and thought it worth sharing. 55 free bokeh textures that are perfect for use in your web and multi-media designs. Take a look and download away.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to use a torn paper texture over the years. Getting just the right paper, and then carefully tearing it is difficult at best. Thankfully, artbees has made it easier with three free torn paper vectors for Adobe Illustrator, and matching Photoshop brushes.
The files are flat black vectors you can use as is, or use as a mask in Photoshop as I did in the image above. I got the paper texture itself from one of the BittBox Free Texture Tuesday collections.