Free font: Gagalin
A nice grungy blocky display font, free for commercial use.
Read more “Free font: Gagalin”A nice grungy blocky display font, free for commercial use.
Read more “Free font: Gagalin” →Spoon Graphics has shared 12 free grunge textures in vector art format. It’s rare to find great grunge textures in vector format, so be sure to grab these.
SmashingApps has put together a link list of 45 rough and dirty fonts, including one from Billy Argel, the king of Grunge fonts.
Click the image to download Dirtybag font in OpenType format.
Grunge backgrounds can be an extremely simple and good looking way to enhance the background of your design. But many times, the colorful grunge backgrounds are just too much.
This set of Black & White Grunge background textures, by Caleb Kimbrough, offers you subtle way to add that grunge effect, without the heaviness of most of the textures out there. Each of the five textures measures approximately 8×10.5 inches at 300 dpi, making them perfect for commercial printing.
There are fonts you use every day, then there are those priceless ones you only bust out for a special occasion. Outlaw is one of those fonts you may only use once, but you’ll be happy you have it when you do. Outlaw features a fantastic grunge appearance on a western-style font. The author of the font, Billy Argel, is particularly good at creating grunge fonts – so be sure to check out his other fonts available on DaFont.