Quality 176 vector files in accordance with Apple icon guide lines.
Icons play a very important role in the user interface and are essential for the success of your company. That�s why we�ve created a vast, beautiful, and effective collection of Royalty-free Stock Icons, putting it in one single place just for you. Our store includes more than 20 cutting edge icon sets - and virtually thousands of distinct icons - developed in different themes, styles, look and feel, and all the different formats.
We accept all major credit cards - like Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and many others.
Powered by Share-it and PayPal, our purchase process is easy and quick. You choose the best payment method to you, make your order, and quickly receive your personal download link in your e-mail. It�s all cool and easy stuff. Seriously.
From the ordinary things, come the extraordinary ones. We do believe in that statement when we are producing our stock icons. We manage to cover and improve every visual metaphor possible, always bringing innovative concepts and making existing ones more beautiful and outstanding. We go over a range of sciences beyond graphic design in itself, mainly Semiotics and Cognitive Psychology, in order to find out the very best way to communicate well trough each single icon. Our goal is to make the �extra� pop up out from the �ordinary�, providing your project with the very special look, unique elegance and communicability you�ve been searching for.