
WriteMaps Tour

WriteMaps provides an easy-to-use interface for creating, editing, and sharing your sitemaps. The following shows screenshots of the various features available to WriteMaps members.

Your sitemaps page

Upon signing-in, you'll be taken to your sitemaps page, which shows a list of all of the sitemaps you've created. From there you can either open an existing sitemap or create a new one.

My Sitemaps Screenshot

Building your sitemap

From there you'll be taken to the application page where you can build and edit your sitemap.

Building your sitemap screenshot 1

Adding pages to your sitemap

To add pages to your sitemap, simply click the green plus icons beneath each page. The more you click an icon, the more pages will be added to that section. If you make a mistake, you can delete pages by clicking the gray "X" icons on the top corner of each page. or simply choose to Undo.

Adding pages screenshot

Sorting pages in your sitemap

As pages are added, you may decide that you'd rather have a page or group of pages reside in another section of your map. WriteMaps allows you to drag pages and drop them in other areas of your sitemap. And just in case you make a mistake, WriteMaps keeps track of all of your actions so you can always undo or redo.

page sorting screenshot

View Options

While building your sitemap, you may decide you are more efficient working in outline view. By clicking the toggle link "Outline View" in the application's task bar, you can change your sitemap from the tree-structured map view into an indented outline.

outline view screenshot

Page Info

Every page contains fields for URL and notes. This can be found by clicking the blue info icons on each page.

page info screenshot

File Options

New application menus allow you to Save, Save As, Open, Close, Export, Import, and Share Sitemaps from within the application itself.

file options screenshot


You can share your sitemaps with colleagues or clients and choose whether or not you'd like it to be editable by them as well.

file options screenshot

Sign-up for an account now

We're confident that you'll find WriteMaps is easy, fast, and fun to use. Sign-up for a free WriteMaps account now and see for yourself!

WriteMaps Sign-in

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