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25 Useful WYSIWYG Editors Reviewed
May 6th, 2008 in Developer's Toolbox | 225 Comments
When it comes to coding editors, it’s damn hard to a get a clear overview of all the benefits and functionalities different editors have to offer. However, in the end everybody needs one, so it’s important to know which editor is best tailored to your personal needs.
WYSIWYG-editors are often criticized by real coding ninjas for bloated, dirty and not standards-complaint source code they’ve been producing over the last years. However, WYSIWYG-editors have become much better recently. Some of them even produce valid and elegant code.
Sometimes you need to provide your clients with some simple tools to edit or update their web-sites. And this is where the utility of WYSIWYG-editors comes in. As a web-professional you need to provide your clients with some sophisticated advice and offer a simple yet effective tool — e.g. a WYSIWYG-editor.
We believe that it would be wrong to recommend you some “best” editors, because the choice always depends on your requirements, primary goals, skills and experience. Therefore in this article we’ve tried to give you an overview of both useful and deprecated WYSIWYG-editors.
Hopefully, you’ll find some editors you’ve never heard about before. Or maybe you’ll find some features you miss in your current editor and risk to experiment with some promising alternatives to improve your workflow. Besides, you can learn what editors you could use and what tools you shouldn’t use.
What does WYSIWYG mean?
The somehow cryptic abbreviation WYSIWYG stands for “What You See Is What You Get”. In such editors you edit not directly the source code of your documents, but its presentation as it (hopefully) will appear in the final document. So instead of writing blocks of code manually (as you e.g. would do it in Word or Latex), you manipulate with design components using an editor window. This means that you view something very similar to the end result while the document or image is being created.
Notice: this post reviews only desktop-based WYSIWYG-editors which run on Windows, Linux or Mac. It doesn’t provide an overview of JavaScript-based WYSIWIG-editors — you can find an extensive overview of JavaScript-based WYISWYG Web Editors in the post Through The Web WYSIWIG Web Editors — The List or WYSIWIG Editors Test.
Adobe Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver (Win / Mac)
Previously Macromedia Dreamweaver, this tool is one of the commonly used editors which can support developers, improve the workflow and save you a lot of time during coding. While previous versions of Dreamweaver sometimes produced rather quirky source code, the last version is able to generate (mostly) quite clean markup.
Dreamweaver also offers numerous helpful tools such as the library of code snippets, ftp management, server debug and an integrated coding development. E.g. you can view CSS information in a single, unified CSS panel that makes it easy to see the styles applied to a specific element, identify where attributes are defined, and edit existing styles without entering Code view. See also our List of Dreamweaver Tutorials. Price: $400 (version CS3).
Some of Dreamweaver’s endless features:
- Advanced CSS Editing
- Integrated coding environment
- Spry framework for Ajax
- Browser Compatibility Check
- Integration with Photoshop CS3 and Fireworks
- Code snippets (e.g. CSS Layouts)
- FTP management
- XML support
- FLV support
- Learning resources (e.g. Adobe CSS Advisor)
- Numerous Dreamweaver add-ons, e.g. SVN for Dreamweaver ($59).
Amaya (Win / Mac / Linux)
What really makes Amaya different is the fact that it is a hybrid of a web browser and a web-page editing application — thus you can browse in the Web and edit your pages in the same application. Created by the WWW-concorcium, this allround-tool allows you to manipulate web-sites, change or update their content, insert new images or links. Of course, if Amaya can display these pages.
The last version of the editor, Amaya 10, was released in February 2008. It is able to work on several documents at a time (several (X)HTML, native MathML (.mml) and SVG (.svg) documents can be displayed and edited at a time). E.g. you can insert mathematical formulas using a pop-up: Amaya converts them via Math-ML on the fly.
Amaya also includes a collaborative annotation application (annotations are external comments, notes, remarks that can be attached to any Web document or a selected part of the document) and it has support for SVG, RDF and XPointer. Open-source.
RapidWeaver (Mac)
RapidWeaver is a powerful template-based website creation tool which can generate pages of different kinds, such as styled text, weblog, contact forms, image galleries, Flash slideshows, and podcasts; it also has a built-in FTP uploader, and integration with iPhoto and .Mac.
The editor includes podcasting, inline comments, RSS feeds, custom permalink and tag support. RapidWeaver has also been finely tuned to be SEO friendly. It also has many powerful features such as modifiable themes, live php rendering, mix and match WYSIWYG and HTML, smart publishing, XHTML and CSS based site output, viewable source code, built-in error checking. All templates are XHTML and CSS based. What is remarkable is that all the code RapidWeaver generates is valid. Price: $49.
Adobe Contribute
Adobe Contribute
The main purpose of Adobe Contribute is to allow editing web-sites and blogs for users without any technical expertise. Contribute CS3 enables content authors to update existing websites and blogs while maintaining site integrity. Contribute offers a Dreamweaver integration, enables posting from Microsoft Office and editing from IE 7 and Firefox.
With a WYSIWYG authoring environment, content authors and contributors can edit or update any website or blog without having to learn HTML. Price: $169 (version CS3).
Adobe Golive
Adobe Golive (Win / Mac)
Once Adobe’s flagship, now GoLive is an editor which even Adobe isn’t really happy with. In April Adobe has stopped development and sales of GoLive 9, which makes GoLive a legacy web authoring application. Adobe recommends its GoLive users to switch to Dreamweaver which is why you probably shouldn’t recommend GoLive (actually a remarkably powerful editing tool, see features below) to your clients.
Some of Adobe GoLive 9 features
- Designer styles
- Visual CSS layout
- Place command
- Adobe InDesign® integration
- Color management
- Platform support
- Site management tools
- Publish Server
- Smart Objects
Microsoft Expression Web
Microsoft Expression (Win)
Once being severely criticized for its really bad web-editors (Frontpage), Microsoft’s recent editor, Expression, seems to have learnt a lot from its predecessors. Expression attempts to comfort web-users with features which are remarkably similar to Adobe Dreamweaver. However, in a direct comparison Dreamweaver offers more and produces a cleaner code. Nevertheless, Expression does produce decent standards-compliant code and knows how to deal with CSS and CSS-layouts.
The Studio edition with further software applications (graphic design tool, video encoding tool etc.) costs ca. $500. Single Expression package costs $350. You can get Expression by updating Frontpage and thus save some money. A 60 days trial version can be downloaded for free, however a registration is required.
Please notice: Expression isn’t a successor of Frontpage, rather a different development tool. Microsoft Expression, which bears striking similarity to Microsoft SharePoint Designer, is rather designer-oriented, aimed at general web development. Microsoft SharePoint Designer which reflects the emphasis on designing and customizing SharePoint-based sites, can be considered as Frontpage’s big brother.
Some of Microsoft Expression features:
- ASP.NET 2.0 Integration
- Advanced CSS rendering
- XPath Expression Builder
- Build and format views of industry-standard XML data
- Tag Property Grid
- Accessibility Checking
- Real-time Standards Validation
- Full Schema Support
NVU (Win / Mac / Linux)
This editor should once become a real alternative to dominating products: an ultimate WYSYWIG-editor for Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac which could rival FrontPage and Dreamweaver. And in some aspects Nvu indeed offers more features than one would expect from a completely free software.
Nvu (pronounced as N-view, for a "new view") offers integrated file management via FTP, powerful support for forms, tables and templates and it is indeed very easy to use. CaScadeS, the well-known CSS editor add-on, is integrated into Nvu and enables you to create and manage stylesheets easily and see your style settings applied ‘”live” to the document you’re editing.
Nvu is open source and released under the Mozilla Public License (MPL). Unfortunately, the development of NVU hasn’t been continued over the last years. An advanced, improved version of NVU is KompoZer.
Some of NVU’s features:
- Site manager allows you to review the sites that you’re building
- XML support
- Built-in validator
KompoZer (Win / Mac / Linux)
This tool is a branch of NVU which has been developed further after the development of NVU has slowed down. KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and WYSIWYG-editing.
KompoZer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it a feasible solution for users who want to create sites without obtaining technical knowledge. Compared to NVU, Kompozer produces a cleaner markup and has visible marks — visible carriage returns and block borders.
The last version was released in August 2008. Kompozer can be considered as a sound alternative for small projects and for users without technical knowledge. But it’s definitely too weak for professional web-development.
Namo WebEditor 2006
Namo WebEditor 2006 (Win)
Namo WebEditor combines almost all tools which are necessary for creating web-sites in a simple and user-friendly interface. The interface elements are remarkably intuitive, simple and easy-to-use. You can switch between a design-editor, HTML and browser-preview. You can also use a number of wizards to automate your workflow. Namo is powerful, however its WYSIWYG-features are limited. The editor wasn’t updated since 2006 which is why the producing source code is sometimes extremely quirky. Namo Web Editor Pro comes with a Flash editing program as well as a graphics program. A test-version is available. Price: $99.95.
Some of Namo Webeditor features:
- Code Helpers for speedy auto tag completion
- Quick Tag Editor
- Tag Selector
- HTML/CSS Reference
Evrsoft First Page 2006
Evrsoft First Page 2006 (Win)
Actually, this editor is highly underrated. It’s not that popular and it hasn’t been updated since 2006, but it has some quite useful features one wouldn’t find in advanced WYSIWYG-editors. E.g. Auto History feature remembers all the attributes and values commonly used and suggests the “right” value automatically.
Dual Preview Engine enables you to preview your web documents in multiple browsers within First Page 2006. You can preview your work in Internet Explorer, Mozilla or view your page in both browsers side-by-side (horizontal/vertical pane swap). And a real-time visual source rendering engine offers document editing and previewing without the typical code tampering usually seen in WYSIWYG editors.
A number of integrated tools produce decent standards-based code, quickly and easily. First Page is freeware. Similar freeware alternative (also not updated since 2005): Selida HTML Editor.
Some of First Page’s features:
- CSS Class Support & Auto Detection
- Syntax Highlighting
- Tag Document Selection Tool
- Tag Auto Completion
- Tidy HTML Power Tools
- Preview in IE as you type
- Image Mapper
- CSS Style Sheet Designer
- Server Side Includes Support
- Highly customizable Toolbars and Interface
- FTP client
- Advanced Find & Replace In Files
Microsoft SharePoint Designer
Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2007 (Win)
Microsofts Frontpage successor. SharePoint Designer is a standard WYSIWYG-editor. Apart from support for interactive ASP.NET pages it doesn’t offer something revolutionary. Free trial is available. There is an online-version which requires Internet Explorer and a large potion of patience.
Some of Sharepoint’s features:
- support for interactive ASP.NET pages
- create Data Views from RSS, XMl, Office XML
- collaborate with the built-in Workflow Designer
- CSS tools
- track customized pages
- spelling checker
- SharePoint Server 2007 integration
NetObjects Fusion
NetObjects Fusion
This editor was once probably the worst yet extremely popular WYSIWYG-editor. It produced horrible source code (only MS Word produced worse source code), but was often given away by web-hosting companies and ISPs. NetObjects Fusion allows you to create web-sites without any technical knowledge. Particulalry if you’d like to create a business card, you may get it done in minutes. But if you want to create professional web-sites, NetObjects isn’t an option worth considering.
Currently NetObjects Fusion is available in its 10th version. The quality of the produced source code might have changed, but it doesn’t really matter. There is a trial-version which requires you to register in a shop. Which is why we have no screenshot for the product. Price: €100.
Quanta Plus
Quanta Plus (Linux)
Quanta Plus is a stable, very comfortable and feature rich web development environment. Quanta has created an editor designed for efficient and natural use and with maximal user extensibility.
The editor is capable of both WYSIWYG and handcoding interface. It features tag completion as you type and tag editing through a dialog interface, script language variable auto-completion, project management, live preview and a PHP debugger. It also has a visual CSS editor, autocompletion for CSS, offers high extensibility and integrated preview.
The editor has also nice features for project management, including support for local and remote (through the network) projects. Project files can be uploaded to many servers using various protocols. CVS support is integrated, Subversion support is possible through external plugins. Quanta is based on KDE. Released under GPL.
Freeway (Mac)
Freeway (originally Uniqorn) comes in two flavours, Freeway Pro and Freeway Express. Freeway 5 Pro can be used to create CSS page layouts using absolute positioning. Advanced procedures (like connecting to a MySQL database using a scripting language like PHP) are done through plug-ins called “Actions”. Several Actions can be downloaded for free on several websites, but there are also commercial 3rd Party Actions.
There is a trial-version which requires you to fill in a quite long web form. Freeway has been nominated for the Macworld 2008 Awards in the Creative Web Product of the year section. If you use Mac, FreeWay is together with RapidWeaver probably first option worth considering.
Some of Freeway’s features:
- Multiple Master Pages
- Layout Tools
- Link Map
- Link Styles
- Integrated .Mac upload
- Internet Explorer Compatibility
- Support for Sliced Background Images
- Built-in preview within Freeway (Safari/Webkit)
- Full EPS (Panther & later), Illustrator, Photoshop layered file import
- Freeway Shop
- Work with Blogger Templates
Seamonkey Composer
SeaMonkey Composer (Win / Mac / Linux)
This editor is a simple yet powerful alternative for large commercial applications. Being a successor of Netscape Composer, SeaMonkey Composer doesn’t really have anything common with it.
The editor is powerful yet simple and offers dynamic image and table resizing, quick insert and delete of table cells, improved CSS support, and support for positioned layers. The WYSIWYG-editor is built into SeaMonkey, an all-in-one web application suite.
Create (Mac)
Create combines the major features of applications like Illustrator, InDesign, Pages, GoLive, Canvas, DreamWeaver, QuarkExpress, Streamline in one easy-to-use, low-cost, OS X native application. Among other things you can add links to text and graphics with drag-n-drop, the tool automatically creates navigation bars and index and you can produce PDF and web-sites from one document.
WYSIWYG Web Builder
WYSIWYG Web Builder
Web Builder is a highly customizable and extensible application with numerous features, scripts and templates. New design elements are added via drag’n'drop, many scripts. Image editing is available within the software.
The PayPal eCommerce Tools are integrated; RSS Feed object with podcast option, blog with built-in RSS feed option and Google compatible sitemap generator are available. The editor also has numerous extensions such as password protection, RSS feed, RSS parser, photo album and lightboxes.
Editors for non-professionals, newbies and small companies
iWeb (Mac)
iWeb is small, compact and simple. You can switch the theme of any page with the click of your mouse. Mix themes in a site if you wish. You can place Google Maps and Google AdSense ads on your web pages and simplify navigation by dragging your photo albums to a sleek, animated index page. Web widgets, live content from other sites, like video, stock tickers, and headline news can also be added with few clicks. Price: $7. No trial-version is available.
Sandvox (Mac)
Sandvox features drag-and-drop website assembly, live editing without a preview mode, over 40 designs, and 17 different pagelets. It’s an easy and elegant website creation tool for people who don’t want to spend too much time developing their websites.
Drag and drop content, watch your site take shape as you create it, and make it available to others with Sandvox’s publishing assistant. Pricing starts at 49,- USD.
Sitegrinder (Win / Mac)
SiteGrinder is a Photoshop Plug-in that converts Photoshop designs to web sites. It is smart. It has many many features. It is easy to use. Trial-version is available. Pricing starts at $129.
Studioline Web3 (Win)
The results of Studioline can be observed only if Javascript is activated — otherwise you won’t see anything at all. The source code doesn’t contain tables, but it has a very low quality and is extremely bloated. Don’t try this at home.
Bluevoda (Advertising)
BlueVoda is offered as a free download but requires a VodaHost account to publish the website to. BlueVoda looks very similar to Microsoft Office’s interface, like most WYSIWYG editors HTML code is hidden allowing the user to create websites without knowing code and having components such as tables, text formatting and the rest.
Website X5 (Win)
WebSite X5 is a completely visual software: web-sites aren’t coded but “clicked” together. Remarkable: the results are standards-conform. Price: $60+.
<oXygen/> (Win / Linux / Mac)
Actually, <oXygen/> is an advanced XML editor, but it also offers a number of useful tools for both newbies and professional web-developers. In fact, you can exploit the tool for editing (X)HTML-web-documents. E.g. it makes easier the document sharing between content authors by including a Subversion (SVN) client. The SVN client allows you to browse repositories, check for changes, commit changes, update your working copy and examine the revision history. The editor is available as standalone desktop or Java Web Start application, or as an Eclipse plugin. Price: $59.
No code and text-editors? Wait, there will be more. Tomorrow.
kailoon (May 6th, 2008, 7:42 am)
I am using DreamWeaver for web development and so far there is no problem for me :) Thanks for the useful info and list.
Mac-Sage (May 6th, 2008, 7:50 am)
This is a great list, but does any one of these other editors come close to offering the features and ease of use that DreamWeaver does? I don’t know of any professional web designer/developer that uses anything other than DreamWeaver.
Angstrom (May 6th, 2008, 7:55 am)
I’ve been using Dreamweaver for years, but I only ever use it in code view and stuck with it because I sometimes need a code hint .. and I have a useable management, ftp and diff system going on with it (using winmerge).
But I feel daft using a WYSIWYG app to simply type markup, especially when I’m sure there must be a hundred and one better scripting/coding interfaces, yet I’ve never managed to find one that works particularly well for me. Only a cluster of apps which must be used together.
I’d be interested in Smashing Magazine’s overview of the non-wysiwyg authoring options available to me that provide site management, code-hints, ftp, diff tools.
What is the ‘pro-tool’ for all these things.
Kyle P. Johnson (May 6th, 2008, 7:58 am)
Another great cross platform tool is Link [www.aptana.com]
nyë (May 6th, 2008, 8:19 am)
I use Link [www.panic.com] (Mac only) and sometimes Dreamweaver, but each one have its lacks, I’m still searching for THE EDITOR. Now I’m also testing CSSEdit for css, looks fine. but I would like to have only one app to code html, css, javascript, php…. jejeje, too much!?
doug (May 6th, 2008, 8:20 am)
How could you miss Coda? (http://www.panic.com/coda/)
Gaurav (May 6th, 2008, 8:23 am)
I used FrontPage a couple of years ago when I was just starting with web design but I was so annoyed with its code that I quit WYSIWYG editors. But judging by the list, I’d give Nvu a shot..
Matt Crest (May 6th, 2008, 8:25 am)
@Angstrom - I’d check out Coda (as doug just mentioned). It’s an all-in-one app that really is a dream to work in. It’s Mac only though, so if you’re a PC guy…dunno.
@doug - Coda isn’t a WYSIWYG editor. You get a great inline real browser view of your page, but you still code everything by hand (except for CSS, which can be more WYSIWYG like).
maze (May 6th, 2008, 8:26 am)
Nice summary. CODA should also be mentioned: Link [www.panic.com]
Vitaly Friedman & Sven Lennartz (May 6th, 2008, 8:33 am)
@maze: Coda isn’t a WYSIWYG-editor.
JIMMY (May 6th, 2008, 8:48 am)
Are you serious!?!?!
How about mentioning some of the professional programs used by professionals on here, like Eclipse, Netbeans, .NET, etc…. Real professionals use a development environment that helps and supports the coding language your writing. Sure, cutting your teeth on dreamweaver or one of these other freebie toys is a great way learn the ropes. You need to move into textpad or something non-GUI based to really gain any real talent or skill.
A lot of big companies will ask you to hand write out some code for them as an example in an interview. If DOCTYPE and meta information wasn’t the first thing you thought of when reading that, your not even close yet to being a professional and should consider switching to a different development environment.
Ed (May 6th, 2008, 8:51 am)
I’m a Mac user and a huge fan of RapidWeaver. I used to use DW back in the v4 days but I find RW so much easier to use for my purposes.
Its 3rd Party support with Themes and Plug-Ins make the base application a pleasure to work.
Brady (May 6th, 2008, 8:58 am)
I mainly use CODA - given, it’s not exactly WYSIWYG (though you can preview files after you code them). When I’m looking for ease of use, I go with Dreamweaver CS3.
victor (May 6th, 2008, 9:00 am)
Before posting about Aptana, Eclipse, etc please remember this about WYSIWYG editors.
Good list btw
Gunnar Bruun (May 6th, 2008, 9:00 am)
No WYSIWYG for me, but Aptana does the trick.
tyCSSguy (May 6th, 2008, 9:03 am)
The point of a list is keeping it categorized, if you want to see some editors that are not WYSIWYG, then you probably won’t see them on this list ;)
The post did a great job of finding some doozies.
I use Expression Web, they even rolled php into the latest version.
Now if there were a way to add ExpressionEngine code snippets to a tool, maybe Aptana Studio could handle it, but again not WYSIWYG.
A list of auto-completion or intellisense code editors that allow creating snippets, working with PHP and other languages roundup would be nice ;)
Thanks gang.
Chris (May 6th, 2008, 9:03 am)
I’m with Gunnar, Aptana is just awesome, it’s a true IDE.
This is really more of a list + features, not a review.
Ed (May 6th, 2008, 9:03 am)
I’m a Mac User and a diehard fan of RapidWeaver. I used to use DW back in the day, but for my purposes now RW it the tool for me.
What I most enjoy is the Extendibility of the Base app. 3rd party support of additional Themes and Plug-Ins is great.
tyCSSguy (May 6th, 2008, 9:05 am)
You did miss Windows Live Writer:
Link [get.live.com]
A good choice for remote blog posting, via one of several blogger type API’s
Benjamin David (May 6th, 2008, 9:20 am)
Skedit is also a nice Mac OS X editor. It has SCM (Subversion) support that I miss in Coda.
You also missed Textmate.
Jen (May 6th, 2008, 9:37 am)
I hate to disagree here but I’m gonna have to. Just because some people prefer to use one solution over the other doesn’t mean they have no “real” talent or skill or that they aren’t professionals. It means that the program they are using works for them. That attitude reminds of a guy I used to work with who was MS certified who told me our company shouldn’t even consider using PHP because the language would be dead in a year (it’s now 3+ years later).
Since I own my own company, I don’t have to worry about interviews but I’m of the opinion that just because I can’t write the DOCTYPE or meta info from memory doesn’t mean I’m not close to being a professional. It means that I have templates set-up with these things already in place to maximize my time and be able to make more money. Part of being a professional is good time management. If I have to repetitively type something because that makes me a “professional” then I’ll gladly call myself an amateur and pass on those savings to my clients—which I’m sure they appreciate a lot more than knowing if I can type all the code by hand.
hdoug (May 6th, 2008, 9:55 am)
Once upon a time, back in the mid -1990’s, I powered up Notepad, typed out and built my first web site. It took forever, but I learned HTML, which is still the core of the web. If you don’t know HTML, forget about WYSIWYG editors for now. Check out this tutorial Link [www.pagetutor.com] - and follow the lessons. It’s sooo easy! You’ll soon be better than 99% of the so-called web-designers out there.
To make a long story even longer, during this time of learning HTML I was working for an online advertising company that wanted to branch out into building sites for some of their clients. I was tasked with the job since I had build a few sites at that point. I powered up Notepad, typed and built some client sites. Dreamweaver was beginning to become popular but I refused to use it because “real sites are coded by hand”. My boss at the time asked me to use it, but I still refused, saying that “I can build a better site by hand”. Well, he told me that if I didn’t use it I’d be fired. Well, needless to say, I installed it & I haven’t looked back since. I still do a lot of hand coding, but DW saves hours of time and produces results that can be tweaked until the end product is perfect.
To summarize - learn HTML first, then install Dreamweaver.
dragoshell (May 6th, 2008, 10:06 am)
“The last version was released in August 2008. Kompozer can be considered”
how come? :) released into the future? :))
will (May 6th, 2008, 10:07 am)
As the guy above says, WTSIWYG editors are not a good thing for people starting out. It teaches laziness. Just get used to ALT + TAB then hit F5 in your favourite browser while using a text editor like notepad++ or something.
dragoshell (May 6th, 2008, 10:23 am)
Lee (May 6th, 2008, 11:16 am)
vi or die! ;)
existdissolve (May 6th, 2008, 11:22 am)
I swear by Dreamweaver, and there is no product better for DESIGNING websites. However, it is not an ideal tool for development. Until DW gets better with development-related intellisense and variable recognition, it will be a limited development tool.
Akiva Levy (May 6th, 2008, 11:24 am)
WYSIWYG editors are generally terrible all around.
I would seriously consider any web designer who claims to adhere to (or understand) web standards and design and touts themselves as professional who uses almost any of these (from the ones I have actually used and heard of) as suspect .
Web design and WYSIWYG do not mix. Period.
That’s like calling Contribute a CMS, which is how it is all too often sold as.
I have worked much with DreamWeaver and Contribute (my old employer refused to stray from it), and the amount of work you need to put into it just to ensure that the user won’t break the styles is hard enough, never mind attempting to validate the output semantically.
Pedro Assumpção (May 6th, 2008, 11:43 am)
No dreamweaver (I already used it some years ago) and no WYSIWYG editors for web.
For me, code is by hand (PSPAD or Aptana).
ilovecolors (May 6th, 2008, 11:55 am)
The only issue with Dreamweaver is that some/many-times it doesn’t matches the final real output. In the beggining I used to work a lot with it, and for laying out text and applying classes is ok.
While I’m writing this, I realized that the topic is WYSIWYG, not coding, not IDE. For w…, Dreamweaver with its integration with other products is the king. However, Fireworks is more w… than DW, DW tries to reach for the code too and that’s its falldown. Fireworks should’ve been in this list as the better wysiwyg.
marie (May 6th, 2008, 12:01 pm)
I’m a fan of the lastest versions of Microsoft’s Visual Studio and Visual Web Developer Express… the latter is free to download and still pretty powerful.
Chris Porter (May 6th, 2008, 12:10 pm)
I used to use Dreamweaver, but now that I’m very advanced in xHTML/CSS, I don’t need it since its a resource hog and the FTP sucks sometimes. Now I just use Notepad++ and Filezilla for Link [FTP].
I tried Aptana, but they were missing some features such as anonymous FTP login (for work on internal servers), and some other features.
Martin (May 6th, 2008, 12:13 pm)
Except for Dreamweaver, Nvu / Kompozer / Seamonkey Composer and maybe Web Expression, they all suck. Especially the “WYSIWYG Web Editor”. Built my first site with it. It was rubbish.
In conclusion, one can say: The benefits of these products are best put to use by professionals, who are adept at coding anyway, and not by newbies, who often manage to make a complete mess of things. They would definitely be better off learning the “hard way”.
Scott L (May 6th, 2008, 12:14 pm)
If you’re using PHP then I would strongly recommend using Zend, built by “the” PHP company. Best advice here is learn HTML first then use a WYSIWYG editor. I can’t tell you how much crap I’ve had to fix for somebody else that was auto-generated by a lame editor.
Reginald (May 6th, 2008, 12:18 pm)
I was expecting to see some new editor and more familiar ones. I am quite shock that only one of these I have actually heard of before.
I glad I just didn’t assume that I already knew the information that was contained in this post. I would have missed out on a very enlightening post.
George (May 6th, 2008, 12:19 pm)
Just spent 20 minutes fiddling around with the Coda trial.
I can understand the positive energy. Very light, very fast, with tight integration of a quality FTP client. My only issue being that there’s no popup CSS code hints. Like others with a good understanding of CSS, I want to write directly into the document (single line font and background declarations, especially) and not have to resort to filling out forms. It seems to be aimed at pros, so I figure they should have such a feature.
Yuriy (May 6th, 2008, 12:22 pm)
Akiva Levy,
Just because one uses a software which is capable of WYSIWYG, does not mean the individual does not know code standards. I have been using Dreamweaver for years, but not once have I used the WYSIWYG features.
I use Dreamweaver for it’s simple project manager.
I use Dreamweaver for it’s code highlighting.
I use Dreamweaver for it’s excellent interface.
I use Dreamweaver for it’s code completion.
I use Dreamweaver for it’s code folding.
I use Dreamweaver for it’s built-in Link [FTP].
… and when I’m doing front-end work, it’s always valid XHTML/CSS.
I’m sure there are many like me :).
Link [yubastudios.com]
Matthew Bergman (May 6th, 2008, 12:24 pm)
I have to agree with the prevailing feeling. WYSIWYG editors are the bane to a well formed web. It teaches laziness and bad coding methodologies. Not to mention the bigger ones use templates to keep websites with them from editor to editor. Best thing for a newbie to do is to learn by hand as painful as the process can be. At least it is cheaper.
Bogdan Lungu (May 6th, 2008, 12:32 pm)
I’ve worked some time ago with DreamWeaver and tried it again some days ago (it was CS3), I have to say I’m little disappointed, I think an WYSIWYG editor is good for a beginners to make the first steps in writing code by hand.
In my day to day work I use PSPAD which is a great free software. Now I will try Aptana as I saw it recommended up here by some guys.
Rob Vaughan (May 6th, 2008, 12:49 pm)
Another notepad user here. When I started building sites dreamweaver and frontpage were common place as were the bloated unintelligable code the output. I haven’t tried DW since, so maybe I’ll take a look.
But I get on fine using my own templates, notepad for tweaking and Topstyle (http://www.newsgator.com/Individuals/TopStyle/Default.aspx) for PHP and CSS coding (cause of the hints and layout help with the code). It sometimes gets a look in on HTML coding, but thats almost always started off in notepad.
Off to torrent DW ;)
Rick (May 6th, 2008, 12:50 pm)
How about some suggestions for editors that can be integrated with a CMS like tinyMCE or Expression Engine for example.
César Couto (May 6th, 2008, 12:57 pm)
I do all the pages with notepad++, with css it’s very easy and fast to code a xhtml and css valid webpage. First I design the webpage in Photoshop for showing the client to have a generic ideia. After aproval, I take about 2 to 3 hours to create all the xhtml and css code. I used dreamweaver before, but when codding all manually i have absoluty 100% control of the webpage, also since the webpages i create use template codding, for example, i don’t repeat the header and the footer, i put in different php files and then grab then, it’s much more simple to me viewing the code, i remember sometimes dreamweaver stucked when showing some css div’s.
Coding all the page with a normal notepad with a sintax highlighter have improved to evolve to the next level.
(Sorry the bad english)
Anna Ullrich (May 6th, 2008, 1:40 pm)
It looks like you reviewed the first version of Expression Web because there’s no mention of the big new features in version 2 which was just released on May 1 with rich support for PHP, easy PHP previewing in browser, ASP.NET AJAX, and Photoshop import.
xavi (May 6th, 2008, 1:44 pm)
i also code with notepad++, quanta plus or aptana… human code is always better than generated one
Jimbo (May 6th, 2008, 2:01 pm)
In my experience, I’ve found that WYSIWYG editors are no match for Notepad. :)
Matt Tuley (May 6th, 2008, 2:02 pm)
What great timing! I just Link [www.freelancewritinggigs.com] on the importance of freelance writers having their own website, and there are some great tools listed here that will help folks do just that. I used Rapidweaver for my first site, but have switched to a Wordpress-hosted site that I tweak by hand in Textwrangler (Mac text editor).
I can also recognize this is the kind of article that can drive a design professional crazy since it points to all sorts of ways a nondesigner can do a mediocre job on their own. Unlike most nondesigners, though, I recognize the limits of my talents and do intend to hire a pro when my budget allows!
Heri (May 6th, 2008, 2:06 pm)
I use Link [www.scintilla.org] for all of my server-side and client-side coding. WYSIWYG editors serve absolutely no purpose for me. You simply can’t beat the coding syntax’s in SciTE, and virtually every aspect of the editor can be customized in the SciTEGlobal.properties file. When you put SciTE and Notepad++ side by side, SciTE always comes out on top for me. Other editors like PHP Designer, TextPad, and UltraEdit don’t even come close in my book.
Now I know I’m very opinionated and many here will probably disagree with me, but anyone who claims to be a web professional has no reason whatsoever to be using ANY form of a WYSIWYG editor. I don’t care how valid and standards compliant the output code may be, WYSIWYG editors do not provide nor allow for an effective and efficient work flow. And for the good honest folk who actually have a legal copy of Dreamweaver, I hate to break it to you but you’ve wasted several hundred dollars that could’ve be spent on a bigger monitor or something (lol).
Mason (May 6th, 2008, 2:08 pm)
I tried DW, but once you learn how to hand-code your sites with Coda, you’ll never go back.
Marc (May 6th, 2008, 2:09 pm)
I use Dreamweaver - it’s cos I’m so used to it. I’ve never used the WYSIWYG features; I’m only responding cos it annoys me how people can say you have ‘no real talent’ and such just for using a tool which makes life easier. I use it for code snippets, auto-completing (I type
Jake (May 6th, 2008, 2:18 pm)
I agree with Ed, I am a Rapidweaver user and fully believe that is the best. From being able to create custom templets, to the great plugins. Its easy for non-experienced users, and great for some who are advance in html, css, php, or whatever you want just about.
Hands down it is the best app for web design!
sandrups (May 6th, 2008, 2:25 pm)
a mi el que mas me ha gustado para programar en win ha si Dreamweaver. antiguamente bloc de nota puro era de la vieja escuela.
John Faulds (May 6th, 2008, 2:35 pm)
I agree. I used to use a text editor for all my work but even then I didn’t type out doctypes out by hand - the editor came with its own inbuilt templates which included doctypes etc.
Now I use Dreamweaver and again, it lets you create templates with the doctypes already included. I still only use DW in code view though (sometimes use split view for quickly adding content like lists, anchors etc) and wouldn’t recommend anyone to try and work with CSS using DW in design view as it makes a mess of how it displays positioned elements.
But as a tool that saves the amount of characters you type, I think it’s great and anyone who thinks they’re a better coder because they actually type every single byte of code they produce, rather than using tools that speed up that process and reduce production time, is misguided.
Jeremy (May 6th, 2008, 3:06 pm)
I’ll have to 2nd Zend, as a user that moves between M$, Linux, and OS X. Zend is the ideal editor.
Jon (May 6th, 2008, 3:19 pm)
What Dreamweaver needs is a better way to work with dynamic websites. Not just plug-ins like Link [gosdot.com] but it should truly incorporate ways to work with CMS’ like Wordpress and Drupal
bedomax (May 6th, 2008, 3:28 pm)
I am using Textmat in Mac and in Win Link [], I think more practical
Kristy (May 6th, 2008, 4:00 pm)
Funny… I always thought Nvu was pronounced “envy you” - as in the end product/design. Apparently I hadn’t read up on the package before briefly using it.
marian (May 6th, 2008, 4:02 pm)
In sum, WYSIWYG are just for beginners. And when it comes to front-end web development, its always best to use Code Editors (Coda, PsPad, Notepad++, etc.) for advance developers.
I use Dreamweaver and always on the Code View, most of the time I only switch in Design View when locating DIVs for long coded pages. DW snippets are useful too and so I use them. Together w/ DW I use PsPad for more of the coding part, where line highlights are very much useful for me.
Lica (May 6th, 2008, 5:13 pm)
I can’t believe Coda got mentioned so many times. I used Dreamweaver for years until Mac got their intels and I didn’t feel like spending the money to upgrade Dreamweaver as well. I ended up with Coda and I was worried that I would get stuck with the code, but I didn’t and I wouldn’t want to switch back now. I really like Coda!! It’s not a WYSIWYG, but that preview mode is great . Why don’t you guys make a list about apps like Coda, Rapidweaver, CSSEdit etc. I don’t think there are many designers that read these posts that don’t have a single clue about html or other code and I feel like this post is a little too basic. Even those that are using Dreamweaver are most likely using the code view for work not design view.
MDA (May 6th, 2008, 5:20 pm)
I use a yellow Legal pad for my xhtml and a stenographers notebook for my CSS And always use a pen!
AJAX = Rolodex.
Your mac’s don’t impress me. I use mine as a paper weight.
Kaino (May 6th, 2008, 5:45 pm)
“Im a geek i code by hand and refresh. wysiwyg is for lazy. real developers use .net and need intelisense…” man why do people get so edgy about this stuff. obviously some tools work better for others. I use dreamweaver to manage files, and quickly edit pages. I code by hand or use there tools when its faster. Code a table by hand vs a wysiwyg (and before you go on about tables I mean for tabular use you standards compliant nazi freaks).
At the end of the day- for PHP, Ruby or .net programming or whatever you need a different tool. for whipping a up a quick 10 page website that you charge $5K for and want done in 2 days- you need a streamlines approach, easy tools, and XHTML&CSS knowledge. not this tool or that tool.
I was hoping to read about a wysiwyg editor that:
- warns me of problomatic CSS- ie bugs, x-browser rendering differeces. Not because i don’t know, but because i have a life outside of work and forget over the years all the bugs. monday after a big weekend and a websites due nothings worse than looking at some code knowing you’ve solved the problem before and can’t remember.
- has intellegent CSS design. has lightbox and sifr and grids and ajax stuff inbuild, and updatable from their website like an rss feed or something. I read and keep up to date on the latest and greatest ninja code techniques but i got other things on my mind too, im trying to learn motion design, get out of the house more and I can’t keep on top of new knoweldge forever. - maybe thats why some people get so anus over discussions like this, they have invested so much time into the knowledge its become part of their identity and they feel the need to let everyone know what they know. I know someone else who was bursting to express himself: Seung-Hui Cho. yeah. didn’t work out so good.
I think some of you need to go for a walk and calm down. Just because someone doesn’t develop/code/design/build the same way you do doesn’t mean you’re right or they are right.
we can all be right.
except frontpage/sharepoint designer lovers. Can you believe that I can’t even force MOSS to be standards compliant and SharePoint Designer has the nerve to tell me I’m writing bad code.
Maxime (May 6th, 2008, 6:08 pm)
Those who use Dreamweaver or other WYSIWYG editors are ussualy: lazy or noob. If you want a clean cut design with clean tableless code, you need to know your xHTML very well along with CSS.
I haven’t seen one WYSIWYG editor capable of displaying my hand-coded xHTML correctly. Visual editors are only good for simple website or web pages without any real obstacle…
Moreover with the web 2.0, alot of website use bits and pieces of AJAX and javascript which ussualy need a hand job. This is the reasons why I use notepad++
Boredofmouth (May 6th, 2008, 6:18 pm)
Notepad is the only way to edit any web content. If you aren’t fluent with HTML, XSLT, etc, you have no business doing any kind of web design. Learn your server model languages and get bck to us actual web professionals. Syntax coloring and dynamic validation is for ignorant pussies.
Toni Marie (May 6th, 2008, 6:25 pm)
Just because you use Dreamweaver does not negate the use of being able to hand write code. I have only ever used DreamWeaver (ok HomeSite for 6 moths over 6 years ago… but that’s just DW without the wysiwyg… was bundled together as I recall).
However, i can write all my HTML and CSS in code view and simply look at the way the divs balance, etc, in split view. Just because a true professional wouldn’t *design* in DW’s “design view” … doesn’t mean it’s not the best balance of form and function.
Because I cut my teeth on HTML and CSS long before I learned PHP, Eclipse is not a comfortable environment to do my HTML/CSS… and certainly the FTP management of accounts via “Sites” is far superior to other wysiwyg editors.
K.Brown (May 6th, 2008, 6:26 pm)
Coda for Mac+CSS Edit=Amazing. Please include these programs next time!
Akiva Levy (May 6th, 2008, 7:14 pm)
It seems my previous post was prevented from being posted.
To touch upon Toni Marie’s comments, if you are going to “use DreamWeaver correctly” as a web designer and hand code the XHTML and CSS, what point is there in paying for an application primarily developed to be a WYSIWYG editor? Surely using any aspect of the latter, such as the much-despised Designer View, clearly contradicts the point (and much of the markup) of clean, compliant handmade code, no?
And to touch upon my first comment, where did it go?
Where ever did that fishy go?
michael (May 6th, 2008, 7:29 pm)
maybe Aptana is the best editor too.
Lonnie (May 6th, 2008, 7:49 pm)
I am trying out Link [www.sitemasher.com], which I was introduced to during Interop 2008 here in Las Vegas.
César Couto (May 6th, 2008, 8:09 pm)
As i said, i use notepad++ to code everything, sintax highlight helps to seperate the vars and it’s quick to find specific code. I feel sad that some people says that coding is professional and using wysiwug software is for newbies, it has nothing to do with it. Being professional is all about the final result, not the tools you use to reach the goals. Even coding could demonstrate a bigger knowledge than someone using software, it doesnt mean the final result will be better ;)
Paul Everett (May 6th, 2008, 8:42 pm)
whoops another one: Flux 1.2
Link [www.theescapers.com]
Edilson de Souza (May 6th, 2008, 8:47 pm)
I use Quanta Plus, it’s not really WYSIWYG editor. I like it because it offers a comfortable code editor for XHTML and CSS, and syntax highlight for JavaScript. However, sometimes a prefer using Aptana for JavaScript and PHP.
I think if a developer cares about web standards, accessibility etc, handcoding will be his/her natural choice, even with Dreamweaver (argh!!!).
Fernando Trasviña (May 6th, 2008, 8:48 pm)
For the guys that say no professional web designer/developer uses something else than dreamweaver.
No one calling himself a professional (being a professional) would rely on dreamweaver’s WYSIWIG hability, they code, and why pay for an overpriced product, adobe just came to destroy good old macromedia rising the price of the software and 0 improvements.
Ok guys. now Web Development professionals should use good old text to create this (this goes for designing and programming). except for grapchis.
Personally i use Gedit on LINUX (free and reliable). I used to work with dreamweaver till it was sold, still used the coding feature which still are great but not so much for the price. there are some other amazing ides like some guys comment here, but for the WYSIWIG part the article does a really good job, this comment is directed to all the people who cant see beyond WYSIWIG for web development.
mda (May 6th, 2008, 9:11 pm)
I can make a site in notepad too!
I’m so cool. it’s the outcome not the tool.
mee (May 6th, 2008, 9:50 pm)
Wow, I knew that there was a lot of editors, but that many …
I use Dreamweaver or for css Coding.
Thanks for the list!
Andris (May 6th, 2008, 10:43 pm)
I always use Dreamweaver. you can split the screen, so you can code by hand and see what you’ve written. by the way i really like the code highlighting and the ftp-thing. You don’t have to work WYSIWYG with Dreamweaver, just use it as an editor.
Thibaut Allender (May 6th, 2008, 11:36 pm)
Sorry, I real don’t get the point of this post…
Smashing Magazine aims professionnals, right ?
Paul Everett (May 6th, 2008, 11:43 pm)
Tim you are a twat
Darren Cornwell (May 6th, 2008, 11:55 pm)
You forgot a couple of good mac editors - skedit and Coda - the latter being a pretty good all in one application with code / preview / ssh / ftp / and a library function to look up references.
I use skedit on a daily basis and would be lost without it. It all comes down to your style of editing I suppose.
Tom (May 6th, 2008, 11:57 pm)
is there any list out there to read trough for photoshop plugins, what they do or photoshop actions to make the life easier?
my editor is notepad++. i switched from dreamweaver after a loving relationship for more then 4 years. notepad++ looks good, gives me everything i need, can be pimped with new colour-shemes and make it unique ( for design-lovers only ) but too use and handle this free tool is outstanding.
again a great and useful article. and maybe someone can hel me with my question from above ;)
Apollo Blue (May 7th, 2008, 12:13 am)
The perfect coding is made by hand with a text editor. A web site should be first drawn in photoshop or similar platforms and then hand coded. it is more flexible and the code will be clean and simple. Of course after that you can use integrating software for PHP or Ajax/JavaScript if you are working at a very large website, for example an on-line store or something like that. :)
James (May 7th, 2008, 12:18 am)
Up next week, “25 WYSIWYG Word Processors Reviewed”
Of course, we all know that real writers use LaTeX. Hand written in Notepad. :)
anti-pixel (May 7th, 2008, 12:41 am)
I use dreamweaver at home and notepad++ at work…
Dreamweaver is cool, but i don’t even user 10% of the software, and it slows down my computer when i open photoshop or flash or when i have 20+ files opened…
Notepad++ is so quick, and gives many useful shortcuts…
i think too that the real wysiwyg is alt+tab and F5…
David (May 7th, 2008, 12:41 am)
What does “concorcium” mean?
Squirrello (May 7th, 2008, 12:47 am)
The problem with WYSIWYG is adaptability. For those happy to build formulaic, generic , tabled , “I’v seen it somewhere before ” pages/ sites WYSIWYG delivers. If you want very clean code, WYSIWYG generally won’t. Not only that, but you face the real possibility of not be taken seriously by many top level employers. For beginners that’s not a problem but what happens when you need to integrate Ajax, PHP, Flash into a CSS/ HTML page? Wait for a plug in? Those who know code have already written that application. The worst thing about WYSIWYG is it puts those dependant on it at a TOTAL DISADVANTAGE in terms of abilty to code. I learned html/ css the so called “hard way” and saved myself several hundred diollars but most importantly if I see something I like I use view source and I know what I’m seeing. If I look at some interesting effect on a tutorial and code is given, again I know what it means and how to customize it. Most importantly learning humble html/css has allowed me to learn other languages rather than rely on a translator… (WYSIWYG) and that makes you more innovative than relying on a plug in or others to do things for you…
Defunkid (May 7th, 2008, 12:54 am)
some professional web designers just use a good non WYSIWYG editor like UltraEdit and page opnened in several browsers to cut the design coming from PSD or AI but this is about WYSIWYG :)
vickymustdie (May 7th, 2008, 12:59 am)
Really helpful information.
I still remember when i use to design websites using Microsoft Frontpage, as that was the only WYSIWYG software trained by most of the Computer Training Institute in India those days. Now there are lot of Web Page Editos presents and you’ve covered most of them.
But I think when it comes to WYSIWYG software, Dreamweaver rules all of them. It has everything a newbie / advanced Web Designer / Developer look for.
Why don’t you do Voting for the most used WYSIWYG software. I know Dreamweaver will win it.
K.K.Shankar (May 7th, 2008, 1:20 am)
Why Still some of the developers to develop thier pages without using the WYSISWYG editors.
Its waste of time & Energy
Choose better WYSIWYG editor suitable to your project. save your time.
J vd Meulen (May 7th, 2008, 1:32 am)
I’ve used FirstPage for a while, which is IMO a great editor, but recently I discoverded HTML Kit, which is now my weapon-of-choice. It has add-ons that allow to preview in both IE and FF which proves very helpful in testing your designs.
Download from download.com: Link [www.download.com]
Bartek G (May 7th, 2008, 1:35 am)
IMHO the best WYSIWYG editor for web is a set of Photoshop + Aptana/Eclipse + browsers’ dev tools.
Thorvald Neumann (May 7th, 2008, 2:30 am)
I am using TextWrangler and CSSEdit mostly; I am using Dreamweaver only when I have to create quick’n'dirty website previews or when I have to support old, badly coded websites.
zalkdesign (May 7th, 2008, 3:01 am)
Where is CODA? :)
Arby (May 7th, 2008, 3:01 am)
How about a review of web based WYSIWYG editors for developers to install for their clients? We have more and more requests for CMS so would be good to know what is preferred, whats popular, problems, etc etc..
Simon (May 7th, 2008, 4:00 am)
I started web design in 1997 using notepad. Moved on to Hotdog pro (anyone remember that?). For the last 6 years I’ve been using dreamweaver simply because it cuts out a lot of the gunk and the speed I create pages is so fast. I can hand code HTML and CSS with my eyes shut but I would never hand code simply because it takes too much time.
Good post but looking at this lot I’ll still be using DreamWeaver (Visual studio 2008 has got a lot better for the front end designer but still DW is the best imho).
Steve Killen (May 7th, 2008, 4:04 am)
It has been mentioned but would love a run-down of the best and worst code editors to use (including IDE platforms), I think it’s more of a minefield than WYSIWYG editors and some guidance would be nice.
Tom (May 7th, 2008, 4:15 am)
Agree it would be nice to see a review of text/code editors. And I’d love for you to find out from Adobe why one of the best editors out there - HomeSite - has been left to rot. I believe it’s because they put all their eggs in DW, but it would be nice to know for sure.
Andy Montoya (May 7th, 2008, 4:19 am)
Who are really using the Microsoft Expression Web???
shaymein (May 7th, 2008, 4:34 am)
don’t care what anyone says… i love the GoLive.. and i was happy with at least a v. 9 that did come out with some really great tools that i hope one day would make it into dreamweaver. until my golive 9 dies i refuse to make the switch the interface is so much easier than dreamweaver.
goliver since 6.0!
Bobby (May 7th, 2008, 5:22 am)