With Sprout, you can build, publish and manage widgets, mini-sites, banners, mashups and other rich media Web content in three easy steps:



1. Build

Sprouts can be of any size and any number of pages and can include images, video and audio and components such as slideshows and jukeboxes as well as Web service components such as Twitter, PollDaddy, ChipIn and more.

2. Publish

Just click "publish" to get your sprout code and then embed into any Web page, or use the "quick post" feature to automatically place your sprout into leading blogs and social networking sites.

3. Manage

Once your sprout is published, your audience can copy and spread it virally. You can get stats on locations, views, clicks and more.

Sprouts are widgets, mini-sites, banners, mashups and other forms of rich media content. Here are some types of sprouts that you can build:



Promotional sprouts are ideal for musicians, politicians, non-profits or any person or organization that has an audience and wants to provide them with content that can be virally spread. Sprouts can be edited at any time, and all copies in circulation are instantly updated, so your audience can be kept engaged and informed.


Personal Sprouts are ideal for...everyone! Create a slideshow, add your favorite songs to a jukebox, add links to your social networking profiles - whatever you want to do to make your web presence come alive! Share with your friends and collect theirs as well.


Informational Sprouts are ideal for any organizations that need to keep their web site content fresh. Informational sprouts can be of any size and can include multiple pages to pack in a lot of information.