If you have an Adobe InDesign object with text wrap set on it and a text box on top of it keeps wrapping, you simply need to adjust your preferences.
Ideally, you want only the text below an object to wrap. This allows you to add text on top of an object, such as an overlay photo caption.

InDesign text wrap preferences
Go into InDesign’s preferences (Command + K) and select Composition from the list on the left, then just tick the Text Wrap Only Affects Text Beneath checkbox. I’m not really sure why this isn’t the default setting, because I can’t for the life of me figure out a time or reason why you would want it set otherwise.
Always wondered what that option did, but thought I would look into it sometime. Why didn’t I try it before? Thanks!
I never use that option, because I have lots of extracted PSD images used with text wrap… and if text is below them, transparent area of image causes a tranparency flattening to a text. Which means that text below rectangle bounding box of image will be converted to outlines. And it may become visible when document is printed… Outlined text is slightly bolder than not outlined.
Sandee Cohen writes about this:
Thanks, I can’t figure out why this isn’t a default setting either.