Download YouTube videos with Airy 3.0 (Enjoy 30% off…
Ever want to download the audio or full video from a YouTube video and couldn’t figure out how to do it, or the silly little browser extension you have simply stopped working? I’ve written about Airy in the past, it’s a fantastically simple YouTube downloader for the Mac that just works.

Airy allows you to download as many YouTube videos as you want, including entire channels or playlists—two new features new in Airy 3.0. You simply paste a YouTube video URL into Airy, or use the Airy bookmarklet in your favorite browser to add the current video to the Airy download list, and boom—video(s) downloaded. And if you have to move on to other things and quit Airy before your videos are finished downloading, don’t worry. Airy will remember where it left off and continue the downloads the next time you launch the app.
The cool thing about Airy is that it not only allows you to choose the size/quality of the video (including 4K and 8K Ultra HD videos), but also offers the option of downloading only the audio portion of the YouTube video in MP3 format. Very slick!

Airy’s interface is simple. There are no frivolous features or doodads to complicate things. It does one thing, and does it extremely well. And unlike those pesky, ad-infested browser extensions, the developers seem to keep Airy working even with updates to YouTube’s back-end, browser updates and OS upgrades.
I’ve had to place YouTube videos in numerous PowerPoint/Keynote presentations, and have downloaded countless videos I’ve wanted to save for offline viewing. I’ve tried dozens of apps and browser plugins. Airy is by far the best in my experience.
Airy 3.0 is available for OS X 10.7 and up, including the macOS Sierra beta (and I’m sure the shipping version later this fall), and costs $19.95. You can get Airy for 30% OFF using the following code: THGM-DSC which drops the price to below $14.