Strong encryption poses problems for law enforcement, is weakening it worth the risks it presents? It’s…complicated. John Oliver’s take on the Apple vs. the Government situation.
Type: Video
Spec work: Think of the “exposure” you’ll get!
Video: Jony Ive’s “One More Thing” about Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs’ most inspirational piece of work of his entire career
The importance of branding
Video Tutorial: Recover a missing image from an Adobe Illustrator file
Based on this post here at the Graphic Mac, the folks at Webucator put together this handy video tutorial on how to recover a missing image from an Adobe Illustrator file. My thanks to them for producing a great little video. Be sure to check out their other Illustrator Training options.
Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine
With just a little bit of searching about this movie, I saw quite a few sites pointing to the full length HD movie online. I haven’t watched it because it requires a (free) registration to a site which, let’s be honest, is not a legal movie site. The only reason I even share it is that I came across it searching for the trailer on YouTube and they have the link right there.
One of the many versions of the movie poster is below.