170+ logo designs for your creative inspiration. Some of these are quite nice, others made me yawn because I’ve seen so many similar ones before. But all serve to inspire.
Tagged: logo
Infographic: Famous Business Logos
I love this infographic. The simplicity is nice, and the data behind the graphic is interesting to almost any viewer. View the full info graphic below. (more…)
The A-B-Cs of logo design
One of the most popular articles (at least by page views) here at The Graphic Mac is 9 rules to creating a logo you can live with and still get paid. I wrote it back in 2008, but the advice is still absolutely valid today.
I recently came across 6 common mistakes in logo design at SitePoint. It’s an excellent article by Kerry Butters, and offers some pretty good insights into logo design. While there is some similar advice in Kerry’s article, a few of the points she makes I wish I had included in my article years ago.
If you’re relatively new in the business, or you’re working on your first logo design project, you should definitely take a look at both articles. They offer some great advice.
TV show logo showcase
Famous logo redesigns of 2011
StockLogos takes a look back at logo redesigns of large corporations from 2011. Some saw great improvement, like JCPenney, StumbleUpon, and Uber. Others are stuck with a visual disaster, like NBC Universal, Current, and the dumpster fire you see above.
Logo design trends for 2011
Every year for the last nine years, Bill Gardner of LogoLounge.com puts out his eagerly anticipated Logo Design Trends report. The 2011 Logo Trends report is now available for your enjoyment. While last year’s logos seemed to favor “brighter” – this year is all about “lighter.”
Design inspiration: 100 logos in 100 days
Robert at Behance Network took on a personal challenge of creating 100 different logos over the course of 100 days, spending no more than 100 minutes of time on each one. While we can make the argument that most of them can be classified as an illustration rather than a logo, it still serves it purpose of inspiring creative thinking each day.
133 examples of potential lame clients
WebAppers, a site I normally love to visit, recently offered a giveaway courtesy of yet another pathetic “cheap logo design” site, LogoBee. Potential winners need only comment to win. Not only were the examples of LogoBee’s work absolutely, horrifyingly mundane and pathetic (as expected), but 133 people (as of this writing) offered a comment on why they should avoid paying a decent designer an acceptable wage to obtain a truly inspiring and customized logo.

Potentially lame client communications
I saw this as the perfect opportunity to show off what 133 potentially lame clients might look like if they were gathered into one place.
Good grief, I really had hoped most people had moved past wanting cookie-cutter logos, but I guess not. I would sooner design a logo for someone I know for free than refer them to one of these lame sites.
BrandNew: A look at logo and brand makeovers
If you’ve never heard of Brand New (part of UnderConsideration.com), you’re missing out on some fantastic conversation about companies who re-brand or at least re-design their logos.

Logo and brand makeovers featured at Brand New
Recently, I read two great reviews at Brand New, the first covering the new Girl Scouts of America logo, and the second dissecting the latest brand makeover of the YMCA logo.
Brand New is a great site for designers, offering intelligent design discussion along with the analysis of corporate re-branding. Definitely worthy of bookmarking!
Logo Trends 2010
For many years, successful logos were built from beautiful shapes. They were usually one color, or perhaps they incorporated a few colors. Now, designers have begun to look at the actual surface of the shapes as an entirely new canvas that can be addressed in myriad ways. Good draftsmanship and good ideas are still crucial to the process, but surface effects now add entirely new levels of meaning.

LogoLounge.com takes a look at the latest trends in logo design
That’s just one of the observations made by LogoLounge in their 2010 Logo Trends article. As always, this annual article is a must-read.