Similar to my favorite free photo site, Unsplash; Pexel offers royalty-free photos submitted by semi and pro photographers.
I couldn’t agree more, on all points.
As a side note, what’s up with dude’s hair?
I suspect most people use the Function Keys as the default that Apple prints right on the keys. After all, adjusting the brightness, switching windows, and controlling multi-media are pretty useful. But there’s a large contingent of power-users who want to customize their F-Keys to do various tasks… particularly designers using InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator, where you might assign any number of tasks to them.
Read more “App Highlight: Fluor” →
If you have an Apple TV, you know the screensaver they have set up is just awesome. It’s a flyover video of various locations throughout the world, and the footage is gorgeous. Now you can have the exact same screensaver on your Mac!
If you often do quick and easy pie, bar, circular or male/female charts for reports or presentations, you know it can be really time consuming producing even the most simple pie chart.
I’ve used a lot of methods over the years for clipping out (Masking) people with wild, frilly hair and difficult subjects from a background in a photo. I’ve seen countless videos purporting to make your life easy by showing you a new method. NONE have been as easy as this one!
Read more “The FASTEST way to cut out hair in Photoshop” →“When I used Windows, I had an easy way to copy a file’s path (generally on our server) directly from the Windows Explorer. Is there are an app that will allow me to do this on the Mac?” I see that question come up quite a bit.
Read more “Q&A: What’s my file path?” →
The following is a guest post by Max Therry, an architect and photography enthusiast, who runs PhotoGeeky.
Color adjustment is one of the essential, yet potentially bewildering aspects of photo editing. To the inexperienced, it can be totally baffling. With some programs, there are a number of ways to do any single adjustment, while others are limited in what they’ll let you do. Yet from elements of color correction, to using color changes for special effects, learning how color works in digital images is one of the more important editing pieces of know-how you’ll ever learn.
Read more “The beginner’s guide to color adjustment on the Mac” →I can’t wait for this bad boy to hit the digital streets! I love Adobe InDesign, but I would also very much love to not pay $50 per month, and Affinity’s Designer is a more than adequate replacement for Illustrator, and Affinity Photo can do about 75% of what I need from a Photoshop alternative… so the only thing lacking is a substitute for InDesign.
Read more “InDesign alternative from Affinity is almost here “ →
Ugh. A new malware targeting macOS. Just the way you want to start off the new year.