Rather than contribute yet another blog post listing boat-loads of free fonts, I figured I would just shoot you a few quick links to other sites that list them.

Plenty of sites list free fonts in their blog posts
Smashing Magazine is a great site for finding lots of free resources. This posting lists 20 great fonts, but there are plenty more if you have the time to go through them.
Another cool site is InstantShift. Among the many free font lists available at InstantShift is this one listing 36 free fonts, and this one, listing 35 more fonts.
There are plenty of other blogs out there that list fonts available for free, requiring only a Google search to find them. Of course, you could always start with the king of all font sites, DaFont.
Hey thanks for this great list. I have been looking for sites like these, I wasn’t even aware of most of these
good design thanks for sharing it
thanks for sharing the greatest professional designs i will use these on my upcoming design
thanks alot
You’re welcome. Hope you enjoy your new fonts!
found your site on del.icio.us today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later
I visited InstantShift and found several high quality fonts (and I’m very picky). Thanks, James!