Free Faxing: And Then There Was One
Every once in a while you still find yourself having to send a Fax… you remember the Fax, that crappy, curly paper that gets pooped-out of a noisy, clunky machine on the counter in the other room? Sure you do.

Buying a house? Need legal documentation of communication? Fax machines are about your only option for immediate delivery of a document. Still. In 2018.
Back in the hey-day of Internet faxing, there were tons of free services out there that would send faxes online… saving you the audio pollution and expense of sending faxes of documents you already had on your computer.
Today, there is one. Well, one that I know of anyway. FaxZero appears to be sole-survivor of the free Internet faxing wars of the 90s.
FaxZero allows you to send five faxes per day (limit 3 pages + cover sheet each). That’s a pretty low limit, but probably more than most anyone needs.