Category: Links

The problem with Mac OS X Lion’s Auto Save feature

Auto SaveMac OS X 10.7 Lion’s Auto Save feature is one of the highlights of the operating system revision, especially for inexperienced users. It removes the need to remember to press Command-S (or take a mouse trip to choose File > Save) in applications that support the feature. Lion automatically and continuously saves every change to disk. However, one casualty of the feature is the age-old “Save As” command, used to create and then work on a new file with the same contents as the original. Save As has been replaced by a cumbersome duplicate-and-then-save behavior.

Tidbits goes into detail about how Auto Save works, and the problem with it replacing the ages-old Save As command. I’m not a fan of Auto Save, which is to say I absolutely hate it. I hope Apple makes it an option I can turn off in future OS revisions, but I suspect we’re seeing the beginning of the end of the file system methodology we’ve known for years. (more…)

The most hated companies in America

I hate that company!Customers, employees, shareholders and taxpayers hate large corporations for many reasons. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed a lengthy list of corporations for which there is substantial research data to choose the 10 most hated in America.

The list (in no particular order) features four technology companies:

  • Facebook
  • AT&T
  • Nokia
  • Netflix

For the record, I would add AOL, Google, Verizon, Samsung, and a host of others to the list.

Vizio’s new computer line

Vizio recently announced their new entry into the consumer laptop and all-in-one desktop market with what I consider a stunning pair of computers.

Vizio computers

Welcome to good taste, Vizio!

The linked article shows off some closeup photos of these awesome looking pieces of hardware, but perhaps more importantly, points out that they will run an optimized and bloatware-free install of Windows. I’ll not be switching to Windows any time soon, but if I had to run Windows daily, these are the machines I would want to run them on.

Ex-Genius: Apple no longer values retail store staffers

Genius Bar“What was once a truly enriching place to work has become a place that leeches and drains everything from their employees. Apple retail no longer values its people and when I say people, I am referring to both your customers and your retail employees serving you on the front-lines.”

Chad Ramey, former Apple store Genius, who resigned from the Arrowhead (Ariz.) store has sent an email to Apple CEO Tim Cook, thanking him for the job experience, but warning that the stores have shifted from life-enriching to life-draining for employees.

I linked to this article because the Arrowhead store is the one I (used to) visit quite often, and I actually met Chad a few times and found him to be quite helpful and polite. He also struck me as a fairly level-headed guy – so I believe everything he’s written in the letter to Tim Cook. And I think what he has to say about the situation is the cause of what I think is a major deterioration of the Apple Store experience over the last year or two.

No iPad 3 at Macworld or CES

DigiTimes claimed yesterday that Apple was set to release two versions of the iPad 3 in January (around the time of the Macworld/iWorld show), according to their “sources” – you know, the same sources they had that confirmed the iPhone 5 launch a few months back. Other rumors claim that the timeframe will be around the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

Jim Dalrymple of The Loop puts an end to these ridiculous rumors in a post yesterday. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Jim over the years: if he says Apple is or isn’t going to do something, you can pretty much take it to the bank!