Category: General

Steve Jobs – Official movie trailer

The movie itself looks good, but Michael Fassbender just doesn’t fit. I don’t care how good he is as an actor, he doesn’t look anything like Steve Jobs. And that would be ok were it not for the fact that Jobs only passed away a few years ago. He’s too fresh in our mind.

Evernote vs. OneNote

OneNoteWhen comparing Evernote and Microsoft OneNote, I must admit that OneNote is infinitely more feature-rich and usable. The only advantage I can find for Evernote is the integration with so many other apps and services.

In fact, I prefer writing in OneNote to MS Word (2011). I hope the newer version of Word is closer in design to OneNote. The interface is so clean and easy to use in OneNote. It just makes sense. It’s the complete opposite of MS Office apps.

Do you use any note-taking apps like Evernote, OneNote, SimpleNote, etc.?

Government investigates Apple. Again.

Now that the U.S. government has brought peace to the world, fed all the hungry, employed all the jobless, fixed our education system, and overhauled our miserable healthcare; I think it's great that they're focusing on more important things like investigating Apple over $10 p/m music subscriptions.

— The Graphic Mac

Apple must have a lot of ping-pong balls in the government’s “who do we investigate next” lottery barrel.

The psychology behind color

Color Wheel
Color has an incredible ability to tell stories and infer emotions, which is why so many film auteurs—not to mention designers and marketers—have spent time trying to understand its hidden power. But are there any universal rules when it comes to using color?